Thursday, May 21, 2009

Luke is home now

Luke is home now. I feel relieved to have him here in bed, resting. 

When we picked him up he was still quite warm with a temperature. You can feel it in his ears. Luke's ears get all pink with this fever. But, as he got more comfortable in the van, the pink started to mellow out. He handles the ride home superbly. He was alert, and was purring when he got some attention - which I guess I was all the way home!

Our next step is to get the ultra sound to confirm what is going on in his liver, possible tumor? Just an infection? It drives me kind of crazy that after close to $900 spent towards Luke and no confirmation of what is actually ailing him. 

He is very content here. He even jumped off the bed & used the litter and hoped back up! I am amazed!!! These are all positive things, I do hold hope that he can recover completely soon.

 He is taking a drink of water from the water bowl ALL on his own!!!! AS I type this.

This is so amazing!!! 

(He is still drinking!!! )

This is good news!

Tomorrow we will see if he will eat food on his own.

Oh my baby Luke.

(He still drinking.)

I think him leaving that vet tonight was the best thing to happen to him in 4 days.

Tomorrow I will be getting a quote for his ultra sounds.

I'm going to go cuddle Lukey now.

Goodnight everyone.

P.S: We have raised $294 so far for Luke! Thank you everyone once again for opening your hearts to us.xoxoxo


  1. I'm glad Luke is home! I really hope he gets better. I'll be spreading his story around and see what I can do to help :)

    On behalf of the Crisp (my cat) :) a million snuggles and purrs to Luke.

  2. Great news ! I hope you get better soon. We know how tough it can be to have a sick anipal.

    Be courageous and get some rest. You do your best and that's what counts.

    Glad we have been able to contribute.

    Purrs @Oscar_LEchat and @Mickeychat

  3. That's good news indeed!


  4. - Thank you madebykaroline!! Thank for your support & loving comments.hugs!!!
    - Thank you for your support anne-christine. You are the bestest!!! hugs to you.
    - Thanks bijou living aka: flothecat!!! hugs to you too!!!
